Facility Management


What the right-to-disconnect policy means for condo corporations

Although the new rules fall short of “requiring most workplaces have a right to disconnect policy," they do serve as an important reminder to employers and condo corporations on certain issues.

The future of water in buildings is smart

Water creates levels of risk throughout all stages of a building’s life cycle and is a major cause of loss during and after construction.

How to prepare properties for tornado season

The deadly storm that devastated large parts of Southern Ontario on Saturday did so with little warning. In its aftermath,10 people are dead and the tornado-grade winds of the storm, called a ‘derecho,’ left behind massive damage and destruction.
water damage

Warding off water damage

As the rapid growth of condominium living in Canada continues, corporations and their suite owners need to be on alert for water damage.
condo budgeting

Inflation impacts condo budgeting

The phenomenon of price increases and shortage of items is affecting every aspect of daily life, including common element fees, which are paid each and every month to both new and old condominium corporations.

Fair condo elections at stake as Ontario consults on e-voting regs

In this new frontier of e-voting lies a confluence of ethical factors that should be considered ahead of permanent changes to the Condo Act.
maintenance and repair

Cases shed light on maintenance and repair obligations in condos

Maintenance and repair obligations of both owners and condo corporations are defined in the Condominium Act, which sets out the minimum default obligations. T
reserve funds

Condos at high risk from reserve fund shortfalls

The growing crop of condo owners across Canada will likely encounter huge annual fee increases and lump-sum payments due to low reserve fund contributions, authors of a new research report are warning.
criminal code

Potential cost of CMRAO’s discipline process

In a recent case, two condominium corporations complained to the CMRAO about a manager’s failure to turn over records following termination of the management contract.

The hidden risks of switching insurers

There are many reasons why switching providers is in the best interests of the condo, but there may be hidden risks. Unbeknownst to many policyholders, changing insurers can create a gap in coverage that can expose the corporation to significant financial consequences.

Reducing talent shortages and employee churn

Many industries are experiencing shortages due to the pandemic. However, as we see the situation change to an endemic, the staff lost through layoffs and shutdowns may no longer be waiting in the wings. Now is the time to look at talent recruitment and the technology that can make the process easier.

Snow and ice contractors brave insurance blizzard

Contractors working in the snow and ice management industry are facing a blizzard of challenges on the insurance side, or what many are calling a crisis.
condo board

Is your condo board prioritizing properly?

Many condo corporations struggle to prioritize. In fact, it's a challenge facing several organizations across industries, from a board level, right down to day-to-day task assignments. Condo boards and their management teams are no different.

Ethics, etiquette and excellence in management

Anyone entering the condo management field needs to be willing to work on their interpersonal skills, which outweigh academic credibility.
labour shortages

Labour shortages, supply chain challenges endure

As policies continue to change and the labour shortages remain unsettled, managers must continue to ride the waves.

The fatal flaws behind the Surfside condo collapse

Building failures of this horrific scope are seldom seen in North America. But it is important to examine what happened so we can learn and prevent similar collapses in the future.

Recent thefts draw attention to condo security

A few Toronto-based condos authorized a “safety and security” committee, made up of owners, to research security concerns and solutions and advise the board of directors.