Human Resources

retaining staff

Tips for retaining condo staff and avoiding turnover

A high turnover rate disrupts the belonging that residents strive to foster, incurs unnecessary costs associated with recruitment and training, and may be an indication of a culture gone wrong.

How to avoid ambushing owners with difficult news

An all-too-common occurrence at owners’ meetings is the surprise residents feel when financial shortfalls for major capital repair projects are up for discussion. Some would

Anticipating the needs of aging condo communities

New updates to the OBC, which come into effect January 1, 2025, do little to address accessibility. How can existing condos prioritize inclusion when planning for renovations?

Initiative seeks to close emergency response gaps

The Peel Regional Police Service is one jurisdiction that is leading a program that focuses on high-rise safety and resident well-being.
independent contractors

Tips for hiring independent contractors

With costs on the rise, many condominiums are choosing to retain independent contractors to provide superintendent and/or cleaning service.

Pushing for a workplace culture shift

Condo managers are familiar with hostile work environments, but cases of harassment and intimidation, and even violence, have reportedly increased due to a confluence of factors.

A look at the CAO’s draft anti-harassment rule

Harassment towards property managers, directors, contractors, and residents remains a significant problem within condominium corporations.

The call for safer condos in Ontario

Conflicts and disputes within Ontario’s condo communities are fueling a conversation around safety reform and adding pressure to make residential buildings better places to live and work.
minimum wage

The impact of minimum wage increases

This minimum wage increase is larger than most in recent history, second only to that imposed on January 1, 2018.

Condo managers breaking gender stereotypes

The underrepresentation of women is a prevailing narrative across the traditionally male-dominated building sector, but the world of condo management tells another story. 

Legal implications of AI in condo management

AI in condominium property management can have several legal implications, depending on how it is implemented and used. Here are some important legal considerations:

Actuaries garner new insight into condo finances

The Canadian Institute of Actuaries’ latest insight statement on the longevity of condo infrastructure explores several risks.

On trust and transparency in condos

As the cornerstone of condominium living, trust is, oddly, seldom spoken about amongst owners and residents.

Auditors and annual general meetings

As we emerge from the pandemic, some boards of directors are considering a return to in-person annual general meetings.

Legislation escalating condo manager workloads

There are many problems with having property managers act as a condo’s legal representative in a CAT application.

How technology can revolutionize the governance of shared-ownership properties

What if there was an easy way to improve participation in governance to achieve a higher standard, particularly on questions of significant importance?
labour shortage

Rethinking staffing models amid a labour shortage

How new staffing solutions could improve a property manager’s working conditions and ease the labour shortage.