Three red flags of risky procurement practices
Federal scrutiny of condo procurement should be sufficient reason for diligent condo boards to examine their procurement practices.
Preventing conflicts from escalating in condos
There are strategies that can be helpful to consider in recognition of the fact that reactive approaches to conflict can be quite costly for condo boards.
Condo windows: repair or replace?
For condo buildings built in the 1980’s or 1990’s, there is likely a window project coming up in the reserve fund study.
Cases spotlight cost of poor communication
In some condos, communication channels break down or don’t exist, causing unnecessary expenditures that corporations and owners must incur.
Multi-res tackles zero waste during COVID
A growing number of multi-res high rises across Toronto have continued to reduce waste during the pandemic.
Condo finances feel the COVID effect
The pandemic has altered an interesting and often overlooked item in the budget, which is not a cost at all, but a loss of revenue.
Condos lag on fire code compliance
Fire plans may need an overhaul as the resident population ages, building systems are updated, and renovations alter the layout of floors or rooms.
Insurance crisis affecting reserve fund planning
The insurance crisis in condominiums is affecting how boards are planning for disasters in Ontario.
Condos in precarious spot if small repairs sit idle
Should the corporation move forward with certain maintenance repairs if the issue has the potential to become exponentially worse?
Ontario advances elevator repair legislation
Ontario is kicking the dust off of elevator repair legislation, which was passed under the Liberal government in May 2018 but never proclaimed into law.
Seven tips for building trust in condo communities
It is unlikely that the condo’s declaration, bylaws, rules, or policies include any reference to trust; yet good governance cannot be achieved without it.
Condo managers face pandemic burnout
I am a licensed condominium property manager, I am in my early 30s, and I am completely burned out.
Virtual practices stir up privacy concerns
As Ontario considers making digital and virtual processes permanent, the condo industry is addressing various privacy concerns.
Digging into the coming geothermal boom
While the relevance of geothermal has been percolating for years, the buzz is that more developers are starting to pay attention.
Iconic sites convey spinoff real estate value
Niagara Falls, and Jasper are the two Canadian entrants on a largely European and American list of locales associated with celebrated global attractions.
What the new Construction Act means for condos
Construction is a billion-dollar industry in Canada. While most large projects at condominiums proceed relatively smoothly, there is always risk of friction for contractors and
A missing condo governance best practice
Board orientations also help prioritize the feedback of unit owners from the AGM and organize them as part of the agenda for the term ahead in an efficient manner.