

Engaging next-gen condo managers

Over a million residents live in condos, and more buildings are being built today than ever before.
Special assessments foreseen as CPI rises

Special assessments foreseen as CPI rises

Coming out of an extended period of low inflation, many condo boards will confront reserve fund shortfalls as the consumer price index now pushes up toward 7 per cent.
mental illness

Supporting residents struggling with mental illness

Mental illness is more prevalent than it may appear. Studies suggest that almost one in five Ontarians have been affected by a psychiatric disorder.

What the right-to-disconnect policy means for condo corporations

Although the new rules fall short of “requiring most workplaces have a right to disconnect policy," they do serve as an important reminder to employers and condo corporations on certain issues.

The future of water in buildings is smart

Water creates levels of risk throughout all stages of a building’s life cycle and is a major cause of loss during and after construction.

How to prepare properties for tornado season

The deadly storm that devastated large parts of Southern Ontario on Saturday did so with little warning. In its aftermath,10 people are dead and the tornado-grade winds of the storm, called a ‘derecho,’ left behind massive damage and destruction.

The bright idea behind lilies

Known by their Latin name as Lilium, or more commonly as lilies, these unusual beauties aim to please any condo landscape from June to September.
water damage

Warding off water damage

As the rapid growth of condominium living in Canada continues, corporations and their suite owners need to be on alert for water damage.
condo budgeting

Inflation impacts condo budgeting

The phenomenon of price increases and shortage of items is affecting every aspect of daily life, including common element fees, which are paid each and every month to both new and old condominium corporations.
Electricity price embedding underway for 2023-24

Electricity price embedding cycle begins anew

Ontario’s large commercial customers will have somewhat more straightforward parameters for carving out their share of the global adjustment as they prepare for expected summer peak demand.
BOMA BC energy

Greening Ontario’s housing sector

Ontario’s housing sector emits more greenhouse gas emissions than any other province, primarily due to its high population rate. In the province, residential buildings are

Fair condo elections at stake as Ontario consults on e-voting regs

In this new frontier of e-voting lies a confluence of ethical factors that should be considered ahead of permanent changes to the Condo Act.
maintenance and repair

Cases shed light on maintenance and repair obligations in condos

Maintenance and repair obligations of both owners and condo corporations are defined in the Condominium Act, which sets out the minimum default obligations. T
reserve funds

Condos at high risk from reserve fund shortfalls

The growing crop of condo owners across Canada will likely encounter huge annual fee increases and lump-sum payments due to low reserve fund contributions, authors of a new research report are warning.
Builders’ Lien Act

Potential cost of CMRAO’s discipline process

In a recent case, two condominium corporations complained to the CMRAO about a manager’s failure to turn over records following termination of the management contract.

The hidden risks of switching insurers

There are many reasons why switching providers is in the best interests of the condo, but there may be hidden risks. Unbeknownst to many policyholders, changing insurers can create a gap in coverage that can expose the corporation to significant financial consequences.

Home owners and builders lack awareness of IAQ health risks

After exposure to scientific findings, the number of homeowners who viewed their homes as somewhat or very unhealthy more than tripled.