Overhauling reserve funds in Ontario
As the landscape of aging condos continues evolving, the need for adequate reserve funds to pay for these repairs assumes greater importance.
A guide to understanding noise in condos
Resolving noise complaints requires an understanding of how sound moves through a building and the obligations of a condominium.
Mortgage tips for new and existing condo owners
While the monthly fees and mortgage process can differ slightly from traditional property ownership, condos are an opportunity to grow with your community and have a say in maintaining the structure, amenities and more.
What’s next for condominium insurance?
Timely maintenance and improvements will play an important role in securing favourable coverage terms and avoiding delays in the renewal process.
Continuing education for condo board directors
Even though the Condominium Authority of Ontario’s online mandatory training program provides a solid foundation, directors can never stop learning and continue to gain experience over their terms.
The call for safer condos in Ontario
Conflicts and disputes within Ontario’s condo communities are fueling a conversation around safety reform and adding pressure to make residential buildings better places to live and work.
Bill 91: permission given but details missing
Condo corporations can thank the pandemic for the modernization of how meetings, voting and service of documents occur for communities in Ontario.
The impact of minimum wage increases
This minimum wage increase is larger than most in recent history, second only to that imposed on January 1, 2018.
Giving hybrid meetings a second thought
If one primary meeting objective is to get enough votes without excluding owners who prefer in-person meetings, then hybrid is the way to go.
Ontario keeps clinging to 2016 market values
The recent regulation to postpone Ontario's property reassessment for another year stretches the assessment cycle to double its originally intended time span.
Enforcing the governing documents
How can a property manager or board member understand what steps to take when enforcing the governing documents?
Actuaries garner new insight into condo finances
The Canadian Institute of Actuaries’ latest insight statement on the longevity of condo infrastructure explores several risks.
Ontario offers bonus incentives for retrofits
Bonus incentives for energy efficiency upgrades will be available to select commercial and multifamily landlords and condominium corporations in Ontario during the second and third quarters of 2023.
Ontario awaits patchy debut of discount power
Most condominium corporations and rental housing landlords will need to make capital investments in energy storage to realize the benefits of Ontario's ultra-low overnight electricity rate.
Cooling deemed key amenity for Ontario renters
Conceptually, the proposed rules establish air conditioning as a protected option that tenants cannot be prevented from obtaining rather than an essential that landlords would be compelled to supply.
Updating your condo’s emergency response plan
As spring temperatures arrive and snow and ice finally recede, condominium managers often face property maintenance issues that arise or were neglected during the winter
New oversight regime set for Ontario elevators
A new oversight regime for Ontario’s elevators and escalators will come into force on March 1, bringing shorter timelines for rectifying an extensive list of designated high-risk deficiencies.