Building Systems

digital twin construction

The power of digital twin tech in construction

A critical tool for construction efficiency is the digital twin – a powerful, virtual representation technology.

A net zero future for windows

What will new codes and a net zero future mean for glazing and window products? Two speakers share insights at the 2022 FGIA conference.

Home owners and builders lack awareness of IAQ health risks

After exposure to scientific findings, the number of homeowners who viewed their homes as somewhat or very unhealthy more than tripled.

Constructing the future with drones

Drones are playing an important role in addressing the challenges of improved efficiencies on jobsites and across the construction industry.
5G rollout could bring clutter of antennas

5G rollout could bring clutter of antennas

Making buildings smarter could force some aesthetic trade-offs in commercial buildings as 5G services begin arriving on the mid-band and high-band of the spectrum.

Pandemic is fast tracking adoption of automation

While the building industry has been slower to embrace technology, the pandemic has accelerated the automation push for many companies.

Construction predictions for 2021

With construction projects challenged as a result of the pandemic, many companies are reimagining their business models.

Design team named for Calgary’s event centre

Design firms HOK and Dialog have been selected to design Calgary's new $550 million event centre. The new building will replace the iconic Saddledome.

Moving towards building electrification

Interest in building electrification is growing with modern high-performance buildings moving towards all-electric mechanical systems.

A smart business case for GHG reduction

Smart buildings offer the best hope to reduce carbon effectively, reduce energy costs and provide good return on investment.

The importance of gender specific PPE in the construction industry

The traditionally male dominated construction industry has begun to see an upturn in the amount of women working on sites. Around 170,000 females, 25 per cent of those in the industry, are employed in hands-on roles.

Will ‘ultra-high-rises’ cost more to maintain?

The new crop of 'ultra-high-rise' condos rising in Toronto will be more complicated and consequently more costly to maintain, one engineer is warning.

Achieving quality in roofing installations

Quality control in roofing construction has increased significantly with changes in codes and technology. Proper inspection is critical to success.

CLT offers seismic durability against earthquakes

For Canada’s West Coast, construction of seismically durable buildings is critical and research supports CLT's durability to survive an earthquake.

Why window walls are favoured for condos

The window walls commonly used to enclose condos have improved, addressing issues associated with past generations of the cladding, finds a new analysis.

Evergreen targets carbon neutrality with retrofit

Evergreen is targeting carbon neutrality in the retrofit of its heritage-designated kiln building at Toronto’s Brick Works site.

Bergeron Centre a model for fully integrated BIM

The use of building information modelling to develop the Bergeron Centre at York University earned the project a Canada BIM Council award.