
Naturally wood book

New book explores the story of B.C. wood

British Columbia’s cutting‐edge wood architecture and design are featured in the newly released book, Naturally Wood.
housing supply

Construction labour force recruitment critical

Between 2019 and 2021, a significant amount of competing large-scale, multi-billion dollar projects are expected to commence in British Columbia. Construction demand is growing faster than

The power of visual documentation

One of the most critical investments you should make ahead of any new construction project is visual documentation, a tool that can impact bottom lines.
ACEC-BC Awards innovation

ACEC-BC Awards celebrate innovation excellence

ACEC-BC celebrated innovation and technical excellence at its 30th annual Awards of Engineering Excellence held in Vancouver.

Construction trades of the future

With the construction projects becoming more complex, people will not only need strong trade skills but be adaptable to modern technology.

A smart business case for GHG reduction

Smart buildings offer the best hope to reduce carbon effectively, reduce energy costs and provide good return on investment.

Canadian steel sector urges caution on tariffs

The Canadian Coalition for Construction Steel is urging the government to act cautiously before taking further action on unfair U.S. steel tariffs.

Transforming construction productivity

For the last several decades, construction productivity has remained stagnant. This is primarily due to a lag in digitization.

Moving to a zero carbon future

Canada has set ambitious targets for greenhouse gas emissions reduction, which will require the building sector to move to a zero carbon future.

Will ‘ultra-high-rises’ cost more to maintain?

The new crop of 'ultra-high-rise' condos rising in Toronto will be more complicated and consequently more costly to maintain, one engineer is warning.

Plans for first net positive energy office building

An office building in Markham, Ontario's technology hub plans to be the first net positive energy office building in Canada.

When the developer next door comes calling

With construction booming and land scarce, condo buildings in urban areas may face a situation where a neighbouring developer requires access to their land.

Construction side effects carry deadly risks

Living through construction may be a fact of life for city dwellers, but living through construction can be a fact of life and death for hospital patients.

Three trends set to disrupt construction in 2018

Skills shortages will force the industry to adapt to new technology and business models. Modular construction will build new momentum in 2018.

Where is all the building information modelling?

Building information modelling (BIM), as a concept, has been around for over 50 years. But despite touted advantages, adoption remains a challenge.

UBC develops seismic-resistant concrete

Researchers at UBC have developed a new seismic-resistant, fibre-reinforced concrete that can dramatically enhance the earthquake resistance of structures.

Builders abuzz about cannabis legalization

Ontario’s residential construction industry is anxiously awaiting tools from the province to help it uphold its workplace health and safety obligations when recreational cannabis becomes legal next year.