
corridors transportation

Improving B.C.’s transportation corridors

Engineers play an important role in designing the critical transportation infrastructure that connects communities throughout B.C.
net zero building Canada

Building a sustainable future for Canada

Canada has set a bold goal of reaching net zero emissions by 2050 but are we on track to meet these goals.

Paving the road to the future

With major infrastructure projects scheduled, there’s never been a better time to consider a career in road building.

Navigating volatile market conditions

Setting budgets on projects is risky business, particularly with the recent volatile market conditions experienced across Western Canada.
broadway transit critical

Transforming a critical transit corridor

The Broadway Subway project will transform one of the most congested and critical transportation corridors in Metro Vancouver.
Infrastructure BCCA

Infrastructure investment a go-to in downturn

For public partners, P3s are a means to transfer risk. For the private sector, infrastructure’s recession-proof profile dovetails with expectations for a prolonged building spree.
Energy sector workforce evolves and expands

Energy sector workforce evolves and expands

Energy efficiency is projected to create more jobs and assume a larger share of energy sector economic activity in step with a heightened focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Banff’s new living street prioritizes pedestrians

In Banff, Alberta, Canada, Bear Street resides along a quiet street adjacent to the bustling Banff Avenue and just a two-minute drive to the Trans-Canada
highways resiliency

Rebuilding B.C.’s highways for future resiliency

The impact to B.C.’s key highway corridors caused by the November atmospheric river events was devastating.

Infrastructure projects spur construction activity

Major infrastructure projects will ensure the B.C. construction industry stays busy including two high-profile transportation ones.

Landmark Walterdale Bridge defines Edmonton

The new Walterdale Bridge in Edmonton, Alberta, creates a striking new entrance into the downtown and a unique gathering place.

Calgary’s first Bus Rapid Transit corridor opens

Calgary’s first dedicated Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) corridor, called MAX Purple, is now open and serving the community.

Challenging projects earn Graham VRCA Awards

At the 2018 VRCA Awards of Excellence Awards gala, Graham Construction earned two top awards for the Metrotown Station Upgrade and Burrard Bridge.

A unique launch for the new Vedder Bridge

The Vedder Bridge project in Chilliwack replaces the existing two-lane steel thru-truss bridge which was constructed in 1947.

Urban pressures arise in step with proptech

Toronto conference explores commercial real estate in its urban context, focusing on factors that support or threaten economic growth, investment returns, urban liveability and sustainability.

Plans for first net positive energy office building

An office building in Markham, Ontario's technology hub plans to be the first net positive energy office building in Canada.

Top contractors earn transportation project awards

Top contractors responsible for B.C.’s transportation and infrastructure projects were recognized with Deputy Minister’s Contractor of the Year Awards.