Creating more inclusive condo communities
A condo refurbishment project is the perfect time to come up with a cost-effective plan to provide a more inclusive and accessible environment.
Bank of Canada HQ gets energy-saving revamp
An invisible second skin was a core component of the energy-saving, heritage-sensitive intervention at the Bank of Canada complex.
New architecture school brings lessons to life
Students of Canada’s newest architecture school won’t have to venture far to see lessons from the classroom come to life. The latest addition to Laurentian
The need to apply universal design
Following universal design principles for designing and constructing the built environment from the early stages is key to providing meaningful access.
Passive House poised for institutional uptake
Passive House, a voluntary standard for achieving extremely energy-efficient buildings, appears to be poised for wider uptake in institutional projects.
Matte finishes shine in modern interiors
“All that glitters” is no longer the gold standard in design. Designers are embracing the texture, warmth, and functionality of matte finishes.
Public-safety facility co-locates first responders
Cambie Fire Hall No. 3 and Richmond North Ambulance Station is the first in a major B.C. city to bring fire and ambulance services under one roof.
How to create a sanctuary in homes
Creating a sanctuary in the home is about combining elements of shape and texture, establish a focal point and use of soft colours.
Understanding future mobility and design impacts
The advent of self-driving vehicles are now underway, ushering in one of the biggest changes to cities that we will see in our lifetime.
Accessibility certification fills industry void
Much of the existing building stock falls short of the universal design ideal, but RHFAC can help owners/managers identify impediments to access and set priorities to address them.
Combustible materials in building envelopes
The AIBC Building Envelope Committee highlights some of the duties and responsibilities of architects in the design of the building envelope.
Where is all the building information modelling?
Building information modelling (BIM), as a concept, has been around for over 50 years. But despite touted advantages, adoption remains a challenge.
Workplaces send subconscious signals: research
Recent research from fields including psychology can be applied to interiors to improve workplace design.
Simple design choices support accessibility
Condominium boards and managers have been increasingly seeking advice on how to make accessibility improvements in older buildings.
Interior firms win inaugural MASI Design Awards
The Interior Designers of Alberta hosted the Manitoba, Alberta, Saskatchewan Interior (MASI) Design Awards on Oct 4, 2017 in Calgary.
Design casts Stereo D’s new facility in low light
At a time when organizations are pushing meeting rooms and private offices into the middles of floor plates, Stereo D Canada has done just the
The emerging talent of architect D’Arcy Jones
Vancouver architect D'arcy Jones and his nine-person firm focus on thoughtful and well executed modern designs that are receiving award winning attention.