Interior Design

interior design

The importance of interior design

What is interior design and why is it important? Interior design is a multi-faceted discipline that has evolved over the past 75 year.
interior design public

Protecting the public interest

The profession of interior design in B.C. has been self-regulated since 1950 and protecting the public interest is a core mandate.
Accessibility is everybody's business

Opinion: Accessibility is everybody’s business

Society benefits, and invariably prospers, when people everywhere can more easily share their experience, knowledge and culture and exercise their spending powers

IDC celebrates 50 years of interior design

Founded in 1972, IDC is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year and invites members to join in the festivities.
home design behaviours

Shifting behaviours influence home designs

The pandemic has shifted consumer behaviours toward interior design, with many wanting comfort and security in the home.

The traditional office is dead

The pandemic has prompted many questions about the future of the office. Is it dead? Is remote work here to stay? The office as we knew it is a thing of the past.

Six women shaping Canada’s residential spaces

Women developers, architects and interior designers are helping to manifest just a few of the country’s most dynamic condos and communities.
workstation home

Creating a healthy home workstation

Designing an optimal home workspace remains an area of focus for professionals determined to start 2021 on the best foot possible.
labour market

Dawn of a new era for development in Canada

With the end of the COVID-19 pandemic in sight, many analysts predict we're at the dawn of a new era for development in Canada.

Shifting the conversation

The pandemic has changed the conversation. For interior designers, the conversation with clients has shifted to virtual platforms.

Finding opportunity in a crisis

The COVID-19 pandemic has created an opportunity for design firms to streamline business operations and enhance collaboration.

Award winning interiors

Since launching Project 22 Design, Vancouver interior designer Denise Ashmore has been creating stunning and thoughtful residential interiors.

NKBA announces 2020 Design Award winners

The National Kitchen & Bath Association (NKBA) announced its 2020 Design + Industry Award winners. Seven Canadian interior design firms received awards.

Q&A: Budget-friendly condo renovations

Knowing where to focus condo restoration efforts (and how to save money in the process) can help balance the desire to stay modern with the need to stay on budget.

Law firm design: Canada vs US

The differences in law firm design in Canada and the US are surprising. Universal-sized offices are more common in Canada.

Wellness needs to begin at the building level

Technology continues to make everyone’s life much easier, but it’s also making everyone more sedentary.

Bank of Canada HQ gets energy-saving revamp

An invisible second skin was a core component of the energy-saving, heritage-sensitive intervention at the Bank of Canada complex.