
Student ServiceHub earns ARIDO award

Ryerson University's new Student ServiceHub has just earned an Association of Registered Interior Designers of Ontario (ARIDO) award of excellence.

UBC library facility takes a page from Harvard

UBC has taken a page from Harvard with its newly opened Library PARC facility, using a model that extends the shelf life of books from 30 years to 300.

How FMs can support employment standards

The latest phase of accessibility regulations in Ontario may concern employment standards, but facility managers have a role to play in compliance.

T.O.’s debut six-storey wood-frame development

Heartwood the Beach Condos, due to enter construction this spring, is likely to become Toronto’s debut six-storey wood-frame development.

Expanding the frontiers of universal design

Universal design encompasses much more than physical accessibility, as three Interior Designers of Canada members recently explained in a panel discussion.

Thompson Rivers University building gets boost

In its original concrete construction, completed in 1970, Thompson Rivers University’s Old Main Building reflected the design philosophy of its era. As Michael Leckman, a

New restrictions on lighting design in Vancouver

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BIFMA updates its ergonomics guideline

The Business and Institutional Furniture Manufacturers Association recently revised its 2002 ergonomics guideline.

New occupancy class added to building code

Following the model of the 2010 National Building Code of Canada, the newest version of the B.C. Building Code has ...

‘Nutrition labelling’ for building products

The Health Product Declaration (HPD) open standard was developed to provide support for evaluating products ...

Health advocacy

A collective effort is underway to develop a Health Product Declaration, which is aimed at creating a consistent format for reporting product content ...

Managing within the law

An employer may mean to provide its employees with fair employment contracts but when disputes arise, parties often disagree on the rights they ...

Caution afoot

Engineering and life safety specialists are currently examining stairwell concerns in preparation for possible new or revised rules that would be introduced in the 2015 National Building Code.

Social media guidelines for employers

It is the responsibility of employers to ensure the rules governing the use of social media are clear and widely understood. This means educating staff on a ‘responsible use of technology’ policy or code of conduct and ...

Saying goodbye to T12 fluorescents

Since the first Canadian energy efficiency regulation that phased out a handful of inefficient general service fluorescent lamps (GSFL) was introduced in 1995, there has been steady progress in the availability of more efficient lighting solutions ...

Anti-copying in design

Copyright is defined by Canada's Copyright Act as the sole right to produce or reproduce a work or any substantial part thereof in any material form.