Sustainable Practices


The urgent need for regenerative design

Pursuing regenerative design is possible with accessible data management tools. Addressing the global climate crisis needs meaningful action.
zero emissions

Reflections on Earth Day

Earth Day provides an opportunity to reflect on what we as individuals can do to restore and care for our planet through green buildings.

Designing buildings to the highest sustainability

John Peterson, MacLennan Jaunkalns Miller Architects, discusses the latest in sustainability for for commercial and residential buildings.
fire hall

Vancouver’s Fire Hall 17 sets aggressive goals

Vancouver’s new Fire Hall 17 reflects the city’s design challenge to build a structure that meets the Zero Carbon Building standard.

Building resiliency during a pandemic

Resiliency in indoor environments are needed for airborne viruses such as COVID-19 but in many buildings that is not the case.

Resilient design in the workplace

A panel of speakers explored the significant steps businesses, governments and learning institutions are actively taking towards resilient design

LEED v4.1 to focus on performance outcomes

LEED v4.1 O+M’s updates focus on performance outcomes, and not on prescriptive measures to improve performance.

New architecture school brings lessons to life

Students of Canada’s newest architecture school won’t have to venture far to see lessons from the classroom come to life. The latest addition to Laurentian

Passive House poised for institutional uptake

Passive House, a voluntary standard for achieving extremely energy-efficient buildings, appears to be poised for wider uptake in institutional projects.

Is Passive House a panacea for the environment?

Interest in the Passive House standard has increased significantly in the last two to three years throughout North America and especially in Western Canada.

Evergreen targets carbon neutrality with retrofit

Evergreen is targeting carbon neutrality in the retrofit of its heritage-designated kiln building at Toronto’s Brick Works site.

KPMG looks to clients in locating Vaughan office

When KPMG selected its new location, proximity to clients factored prominently, leading the growing professional services firm to set up shop in Vaughan.

Inside CBRE’s latest workplace transformation

CBRE's Toronto West team was the first of three GTA offices to move into new digs as the firm completes a cross-country workplace transformation program.

HOK Toronto’s new Pinterest-inspired home

HOK Toronto recently earned an ARIDO award of merit for the design of its Pinterest-inspired new offices.

District energy key to reducing GHG emissions

The concept of district energy has gained new interest after being identified as a key measure towards helping cities significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Designing for an aging population

With an aging population, health and wellness in the design process is becoming increasingly important. The built environment (private or public) can have significant impacts

Green roof benefits for buildings

Green roof benefits include better air quality, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, improved storm water management and economic advantages.