Universal Design

Accessibility is everybody's business

Opinion: Accessibility is everybody’s business

Society benefits, and invariably prospers, when people everywhere can more easily share their experience, knowledge and culture and exercise their spending powers
Accessibility carries a simple business case

Accessibility carries a simple business case

Many commercial real estate operators are making the simple business case for buildings that are functional for all potential users. It’s a quest that can begin with simple investigations, simple low-cost measures and simple mindfulness.

Accessibility tracks sustainability trajectory

Market pressure and industry competitiveness could propel accessible commercial real estate in the coming decade, much the way those complementary forces have already bolstered energy efficiency and low-carbon footprints.

Homes not so sweet for people with disabilities

One third of survey respondents acknowledge that their homes could be problematic for residents or visitors with a disability, while more than one quarter of those who currently report a disability are planning to move.

Rollout of RHFAC continues cross-Canada

Real estate operators can look to CSA-accredited professionals for guidance on making buildings more welcoming and workable for people of all abilities.

The need to apply universal design

Following universal design principles for designing and constructing the built environment from the early stages is key to providing meaningful access.

Accessibility certification fills industry void

Much of the existing building stock falls short of the universal design ideal, but RHFAC can help owners/managers identify impediments to access and set priorities to address them.

Expanding the frontiers of universal design

Universal design encompasses much more than physical accessibility, as three Interior Designers of Canada members recently explained in a panel discussion.

Healthcare furniture design beyond durability

Healthcare furniture design is conforming to the desires of patients, trending towards being adaptive and inviting rather than sterile and utilitarian.