Building Envelope


Avoiding spring flooding: top tips for maintenance managers

Spring cleaning isn’t just for closets; maintenance managers need to assess potential issues at the beginning of the season to avoid flooding causing unexpected costs,

The importance of managing the humidity in your building

Maintaining building humidity levels is vital to the performance of your building, but it is often overlooked as part of a comprehensive maintenance plan. Experts

Winter’s freeze-thaw cycling can damage your building

Maintenance managers deal with a variety of issues throughout the winter season as temperatures rise and fall, including the freeze-thaw cycle, potentially causing complications for

Prepare for winter with your fall maintenance checklist

We’re still enjoying summer, but fall is around the corner, and that means being prepared for the winter weather that’s coming. Maintenance managers know that

Deterring and removing graffiti from your building

Graffiti vandalism is described as writings or drawings made to a property without the consent of the owner, and it has become a pervasive problem

Managing moisture and mould

In the vast and varied skyline of commercial buildings, mould growth can be lying in wait as a serious and potentially health-threatening issue. Whether it
spring cleaning

Spring cleaning commercial spaces

As the snow melts and the temperatures rise, it’s the perfect time for spring cleaning as part of facility maintenance! While you likely clean and

Protecting your building through the winter

The outside of your building takes a beating in the winter, from the strong winds to the freeze-thaw cycle and ice accumulation. Many times, outdoor

Keeping your building air and watertight for the winter

Winter brings extreme weather, cold temperatures, and a freeze-thaw cycle that can negatively affect your building, its occupants, and your workflow, so keeping your facility

Is your facility ready for winter?

Winter brings its own unique challenges to facilities, and preparing for those conditions ahead of the cold weather can save you time, money, and headaches.
fall maintenance

Your fall maintenance checklist

As the kids get ready to go back to school, we look (not too far) ahead to fall’s arrival. With the cooler temperatures and winter

Avoiding summer mould in your building

The heat of the summer weather can have adverse effects on your building and your maintenance plan. Along with added moisture from rainfall, the risk

Does automated cleaning give you a competitive edge?

Technology and automated cleaning have made huge strides in recent years, helping to address the ongoing labour shortage, and in many cases, improving hygiene and

Looking at leaks in your building

As we get closer to spring weather and the snow starts to melt, leaks can become a serious threat to a building, stopping work, causing

Birds and their effect on your building maintenance

Looking after a building is no easy feat and there are always threats to your building and grounds, from equipment failure to weather to birds.
snow load

Snow load: what you need to know

Do you know your roof’s snow load? While we are likely a few months away from our first snowfall, being prepared is the best defence
energy efficiency

Save money with better energy efficiency in your building

As a facility manager, energy efficiency is an important tool to save money and get your building running at its best. Even though Canada is