Health & Safety

Energy storage prompts battery of precautions

Energy storage prompts a battery of precautions

In step with the projected surge in energy storage installations, fire safety advisors are actively working to help clean tech adopters understand and mitigate the risks.
worker safety

8 essentials for worker safety

AFFLINK's Safety Supply Checklist outlines eight essentials for facility managers and workers.
foodborne diseases

Fighting foodborne diseases in facilities

The most common foodborne illnesses in North American are caused by norovirus, listeria, salmonella, and E. coli.
healthy building strategies

The health of your building matters

A new report from CfAD, in collaboration with QuadReal Property Group, points to the positive ways healthy building strategies can drive value in real estate.
confined space

How to ensure safe work in a confined space

Knowing how to mitigate the risks involved in working in a confined space is vital.

Ventilation has become a recognized priority for infection control

Experts say controlling air quality and flow will be key to the fight against future viruses.
UV-C light

Safely using UV-C light to disinfect indoor spaces

Historically, there have been two strategies to address the safety concerns with using UV-C light to disinfect air in occupied spaces.

OSHA boosts heat protection for workers

The new National Emphasis Program protects workers from heat illness and injuries.
robotic tech

OSHA updates guidance on robotic tech

The cleaning and janitorial industry has come to increasingly rely on robotic tech, and this requires updated stringent standards.
vaccine policies

The legalities of vaccine policies in condos

An increasing number of condos within the last two months have implemented mandatory vaccination policies, which apply to indoor common element amenity users and on-site employees.

Digitizing fire protection for facility inspections

With fire equipment, the biggest culprit for non-compliance issues usually involves obstructions blocking fire extinguishers and hoses from view.

Pandemic intensifies evolving role of FM

Facility managers are no longer viewed as a back-office function, but rather “a strategic instrument to attract and retain talent and create a great experience,”

Raising the alarm: The need for certified fire safety support 

Avoidable disasters and regulatory changes have underscored the need for stronger building fire prevention measures in recent years.
outdoor maintenance

Protecting outdoor maintenance employees in the cold

The coldest temperatures often arrive in January and February, and that poses a real threat to various outdoor maintenance workers.

Fire code updates demand steady upkeep

Although they increasingly rely on professional service providers to keep up with the complexities of compliance, owners/managers ultimately carry the responsibility for life safety and bear the brunt of enforcement.

Pain, floor mopping, and the pandemic

The health and injury risk posed by floor mopping deserves increased attention.

Examining ergonomic impacts to sanitation staff

Increased cleaning frequencies and heavy waste removal due to the use of more disposable commodities means the bodies of essential workers are taking a beating.