Plumbing & Pipe Systems
Avoiding spring flooding: top tips for maintenance managers
Spring cleaning isn’t just for closets; maintenance managers need to assess potential issues at the beginning of the season to avoid flooding causing unexpected costs,
LEED v5 and water consumption for maintenance and property managers
Recently, the US Green Building Council (USGBC) formally introduced LEED v5, its latest leadership in the Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification program. This proposed
Pipe insulation is a must for your maintenance
Often, the role of the maintenance manager extends to cutting costs and choosing materials that support your company’s sustainability goals. Whether you are choosing insulation
Prepare your facility for winter storms
Winter weather brings all sorts of storms, and as a building manager or operator, planning ahead to mitigate risks and spare your budget is an
Stop your pipes from freezing in the winter
As winter approaches and you are busy preparing your building for the colder weather, don’t forget your pipes. Having a pipe burst in your building
The future of water in buildings is smart
Water creates levels of risk throughout all stages of a building’s life cycle and is a major cause of loss during and after construction.
How to ensure safe work in a confined space
Knowing how to mitigate the risks involved in working in a confined space is vital.
Waterless urinals market expected to grow in next decade
The predicted market growth of 10 per cent, led by North America, is attributed to factors such as the desire to enhance green building.
How to improve at saving water this winter
What can building owners and managers do to save water and cut costs, especially during the winter months?
Winter maintenance strategies that work
With experts predicting an earlier start to Canada’s cold season, the time to get started on winter maintenance is now.
Fire safety systems: Have you checked your water?
The worst time to discover your fire safety system lacks adequate water supply is when an emergency strikes. And yet, it’s not uncommon for negative impacts to a building’s water sources to go unnoticed by property management teams until that system is needed most.
7 steps to effectively winterize pipes
Knowing how to effectively winterize pipes is key to avoiding headaches down the line as colder weather sets in.
IICRC publishes revised water damage restoration standard
IICRC has published a newly-revised, ANSI-approved ANSI/IICRC S500 Standard for Professional Water Damage Restoration.
Combatting Legionnaires’ disease in water restoration jobs
Legionella is a type of bacterium found naturally in freshwater environments, making it a critical consideration on water restoration projects.
Blocking the flushing of PPE
During the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a notable and problematic increase in PPE being flushed into sewer systems.
ASHRAE & IAPMO unite on water efficiency document
The document will combine ASHRAE's and IAPMO’s respective standards to offer complimentary guidance and references.
Reopening buildings face bacteria, corrosion issues
As buildings are reopened, inactive plumbing lines may cause bacteria and corrosion problems that lead to additional issues beyond the spread of coronavirus.