augmented reality

More deals but less industrial uptake in 2024

Construction Business

Top construction trends in 2024

As we kick off 2024, this is a critical time for the construction industry, with new challenges and also opportunities for companies to be nimble
connected sites

Construction Business

Building better requires connected job sites

Canadian construction companies need to take advantage of technology to make projects as efficient and fast as possible.
augmented reality

Facility Cleaning & Maintenance

Facility managers turn to augmented reality

Nearly three-quarters (73 per cent) of surveyed facility managers expect to implement AR technology over the next two years.

Canadian Property Management

Rendering and Interactive Visualization

By definition, visualization technology is a technique for creating images, diagrams, or animations to communicate a message. But in essence, it’s so much more.

Facility Cleaning & Maintenance

AR tech a turning point for future cleaning sector

The cleaning industry has been around for a while, but new technologies like augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are new to the field.