Buildex Vancouver


Construction Business

B.C. housing bill challenges municipalities

A the Buildex ICBA CEO breakfast, the housing affordability crisis was discussed by three mayors of the biggest cities in Metro Vancouver.

Construction Business

Getting paid in construction

In the construction industry, there is no shortage of challenges. Managing cash flow problems due to delay in payments is one of the most significant.
prefabrication VDC

Construction Business

Prefabrication and VDC critical for complex projects

Prefabrication and virtual design and construction (VDC) were critical for the delivery of two mass timber showcase projects in Vancouver.

Design Quarterly

Reusing building materials featured at Buildex

Reusing building materials was a central theme at Buildex Vancouver 2022 where Unbuilders and MGA created ReGrow.
LNG Bridgemans

Construction Business

A perfect storm of labour and cost challenges

An acute labour shortage, supply chain challenges, price increases and mental health are all top issues for the B.C. construction sector.

Construction Business

Pandemic is fast tracking adoption of automation

While the building industry has been slower to embrace technology, the pandemic has accelerated the automation push for many companies.

Design Quarterly

How to remain resilient in a competitive market

Building and maintaining a resilient architecture or design practice and staying competitive is more important than ever today.
IDS Vancouver

Construction Business

Buildex and IDS Vancouver join for 2021 dates

Buildex Vancouver and IDS Vancouver will join forces September 29th & 30th, 2021 at the Vancouver Convention Centre West.
passive house

Design Quarterly

Showcasing Passive House design

What if we could build homes that are energy efficient, healthy and beautiful? The first passive home in West Vancouver showcases the possibilities.
multi-unit housing starts

Construction Business

B.C. construction industry deeply divided over CBA

When the B.C. government introduced the Community Benefits Agreement (CBA) in July 2018, it set off a heated debate within the construction industry.

Construction Business

ICBA survey forecasts construction wage increase

Wages for B.C. construction workers are expected to increase nearly 10 per cent over the next two years, according to the ICBA.

Construction Business

Construction is driving B.C. economy

The construction industry is a significant driver for the B.C. economy. Without the industry’s impact on the province’s GDP, the government would not be balancing