Building Code

New heights for Ontario mass timber construction

Canadian Facility Management & Design

New heights for Ontario mass timber construction

A promised amendment to Ontario's building code will allow for mass timber buildings of up to 18 storeys, an increase above the current 12-storey threshold..


Tornado research uncovers risks for homeowners

Canada’s tornado risk is more widespread than once thought, according to a growing body of research that, for the first time, tracks the occurrence and aftermath facing property owners across the country.
code changes RJC June


Radical Code Changes are Coming

Tips and recommendations from Sameer Hasham, Project Engineer with RJC Engineers, on updating your older building to keep up with code changes.

Canadian Property Management

Keeping up with the Building Code

As Canada moves to adopt a “net-zero energy ready” model by 2030, changes to the National Building Code will hold new property constructions and retrofits to more stringent energy usage guidelines.

Design Quarterly

Latest NA Fenestration Standard published

The 2017 edition of the North American Fenestration Standard/Specification for windows, doors, and skylights is now available.

Design Quarterly

Combustible materials in building envelopes

The AIBC Building Envelope Committee highlights some of the duties and responsibilities of architects in the design of the building envelope.

REMI Network

Climate change adaptation on U.S. code agenda

A special conference hosted by the U.S. White House focused on the role codes and standards could play in bolstering building and infrastructure resilience during and in the aftermath of extreme weather events.

Building Strategies & Sustainability

Standards for green roofs widely recognized

The Régie du Bâtiment du Québec (RBQ) is developing guidelines for the design, construction and maintenance of green roofs in that province — a process

REMI Network

NRC restores online access to building codes

After a cyber-intrusion halted access to the National Research Council of Canada’s (NRC) codes and code guides online library, including national building, fire, plumbing, energy

REMI Network

New updates to B.C. Building Code

The B.C. government is introducing four new requirements to the B.C. Building Code that take effect on December 19, 2014. Improved energy efficiency and better

Canadian Apartment Magazine

Stair railings a necessary safety feature

When should stairwell railings be updated? Dennis Parolin, president of Dufferin Iron & Railings, provides insight.

Building Strategies & Sustainability

Toronto’s Green Standard sets the bar in Ontario

The Toronto Atmospheric Fund's Bryan Purcell explains why Toronto's Green Standard asks more from developers working in the city, and how Toronto compares to other municipalities around the world.

Design Quarterly

New occupancy class added to building code

Following the model of the 2010 National Building Code of Canada, the newest version of the B.C. Building Code has ...


Taking wood frame construction to new heights

BILD has renewed its call on the Ontario government to raise the height limit of wood frame structures ...

Building Strategies & Sustainability

Energy efficiency targets adjusted upward

Ontario's new building code continues an incremental adoption of heightened energy efficiency standards.

Canadian Property Management

Caution afoot

Engineering and life safety specialists are currently examining stairwell concerns in preparation for possible new or revised rules that would be introduced in the 2015 National Building Code.


Noise complaints in condos

Canada’s building code should be updated to provide condo dwellers with the same peace and quiet that exists in developments in the U.S. and Europe.