Cannabis Act

cannabis production

Facility Cleaning & Maintenance

Cannabis production environment key to creating healthy inventory

Proper cleaning of cannabis production facilities may be the unsung hero of the industry and the difference between a healthy market and a lagging one.

Canadian Apartment Magazine

Medical cannabis a prescription for uncertainty

Rental housing industry advocates have been urging the Canadian government to review and modify rules governing the cultivation of plants for personal medical use.

Canadian Apartment Magazine

Cannabis in the multi-residential living space

On October 17, the new Cannabis Act will officially take effect, and no one is more alarmed about the pending challenges than landlords and tenants.

Facility Cleaning & Maintenance

The Cannabis Act: What employers need to know

The forthcoming Cannabis Act raises a number of questions regarding workplace safety, particularly for dangerous and hazardous jobs.

Canadian Apartment Magazine

Landlords seek cannabis veto

With the Cannabis Act set to make recreational pot use legal throughout Canada, landlords are demanding the right to ban the divisive substance within their rental units before the law officially takes effect July 1.