Cap Rates


Canadian Apartment Magazine

Multifamily cap rate movement unremarkable in Q1

Vancouver is the rare exception where market analysts project multifamily cap rates will rise this spring, but that's in the context of continuing exceptionally low rates.
Hotel sales value value and room prices up in Q1

Canadian Apartment Magazine

Q4 cap rate trends vary by sector

Cap rates trended upwards for downtown office, hotels and most retail categories during the fourth quarter of 2020, while compressing further for industrial and low-rise multifamily properties.
Q3 investment trends

Canadian Apartment Magazine

What Altus Group’s Q3 investment trends survey tells us

Altus Group's Q3 investment trends survey for the four benchmark asset classes show that the Overall Capitalization Rate (OCR) was little changed at 5.14 per cent.
Lawrence Heights

Canadian Property Management

Investment deal resumption foreseen for Q3

Static cap rates reflect limited transactions in the second quarter of 2020, but commercial real estate analysts express confidence that asset values are holding under COVID-19-related pressures.
Sociable Living

Canadian Apartment Magazine

Co-living: the key to unlocking higher cap rates

In a saturated rental market, investors need to consider new options to unlock higher cap rates. One viable option that is gaining traction across Canada's larger cities is co-living.

Canadian Apartment Magazine

Investor demand outstrips multifamily supply

Five major Canadian markets exhibit differing dynamics, but demand for multifamily properties is consistent.