Chris Seepe

Ontario landlords

Canadian Apartment Magazine

30,000 Ontario landlords unite against failing LTB

More than 30,000 Ontario landlords have signed a petition urging the Ford government to implement an automatic evictions process to speed up delays at the LTB.
inequities in rental housing

Canadian Apartment Magazine

Evicting tenants during a pandemic

As COVID-19 cases continue to surge across the nation, the dispute over whether evicting tenants is ethical has reached fever pitch.

Canadian Apartment Magazine

More challenges in store for rental-housing sector

Challenges due to COVID-19 continue to rock the apartment sector, with landlords fearing a rise in rent arrears as May 1 approaches.

Canadian Apartment Magazine

When fentanyl hits home

In today's reality, it can just as easily be landlords, property managers, realtors or janitors arriving first at the scene of a fentanyl overdose. Being prepared is the best way to prevent a tragedy.

Canadian Apartment Magazine

Multi-res property tax rate hits tenants hard

Author, broker and landlord instructor Chris Seepe breaks down the hidden expenses in rent that may surprise some residential tenants.

Canadian Apartment Magazine

The landlord’s guide to PIPEDA

Beginning November 1, 2018, all private businesses across Canada, including small residential landlords, will be impacted by the latest changes to PIPEDA.

Canadian Apartment Magazine

Pricing an investment property

Financing is the number one reason real estate transactions fail to complete, even among high net worth clients. So why do mainstream lenders decline on a loan, even when the buyer and seller both agree on a purchase/sale price?

Canadian Apartment Magazine

Pros and cons of solar panels on apartments

Solar power generation is a green way to reduce energy costs. But there are pros and cons of solar panels when it comes to apartment buildings.

Canadian Apartment Magazine

The benefits of electronic payment processing

With more Canadians spending time online, it is surprising that more landlords are not ditching cheques for electronic payment processing.

Canadian Apartment Magazine

Impact of cigarette smoke on property values

Smoking is not only deadly, it can kill property values as well.

Canadian Apartment Magazine

Sub-meters for rental units

The return on investing in suite metering is substantial.