Condo Act

Condo Act

REMI Network

Ontario requests feedback for changes to Condo Act

The changes propose strengthening protections for condo owners and purchasers by improving transparency and clarity.
Nova Scotia

REMI Network

Nova Scotia amends fees for condo developers

Nova Scotia is lowering fees for most new and phased condo developments to increase housing in the province.


The call for safer condos in Ontario

Conflicts and disputes within Ontario’s condo communities are fueling a conversation around safety reform and adding pressure to make residential buildings better places to live and work.


Enforcing the governing documents

How can a property manager or board member understand what steps to take when enforcing the governing documents?
virtual meetings

REMI Network

Ontario eyes permanency of virtual meetings, e-voting

Ontario is proposing to implement permanent changes under the Condo Act with respect to virtual meetings and e-voting under its newly announced Less Red Tape, Stronger Economy Act, 2023,
virtual meetings

REMI Network

Ontario extends deadline for virtual meetings by one year

The Ontario government has extended the deadline for condo corporations to call and hold virtual meetings and permit electronic voting without a bylaw.


Fair condo elections at stake as Ontario consults on e-voting regs

In this new frontier of e-voting lies a confluence of ethical factors that should be considered ahead of permanent changes to the Condo Act.

REMI Network

Ontario consulting on condo cancellation regs

The Ministry of Government and Consumer Services is asking for feedback as it consults on proposed regulations to address condo cancellations in Ontario.
Condo Act

REMI Network

Ontario seeks feedback on proposed Condo Act changes

Ontario is seeking feedback on its draft proposed permanent changes to allow virtual processes under the Condo Act.


CAT evolves in jurisdiction but not costs

Although we are seeing the types of cases a court normally hears being transferred to the CAT, we are not seeing the principles regarding costs the court has adopted being transferred and implemented as well.
Builders’ Lien Act

REMI Network

CAT to handle disputes over nuisances in 2022

Changes to the Condo Act, coming into force on January 1, 2022, will expand the CAT's jurisdiction to manage certain disputes related to nuisances.
virtual meetings

REMI Network

Ontario further extends deadline for virtual meetings

The Ontario government has extended the deadline for condo corporations to hold their meetings virtually and permit electronic voting without a bylaw.
Condo Act

REMI Network

Public invited to comment on digital, virtual processes under the Condo Act

The public is invited to join in written consultations regarding possible permanent changes to allow for digital and virtual processes under the Condominium Act, 1998.


Chargebacks and lessons learned in 2020

Condominiums need to be careful when they decide to chargeback costs to an owner and must ensure they have the legal right to do so before they start lien proceedings.
condo guide

REMI Network

Legislative changes to condo guide roll out next year

Amendments to the Condo Act related to condo guides are now expected to be enforced on January 1, 2021.

REMI Network

New regs usher in expansion of CAT disputes

The Ontario government is amending a regulation under the Condo Act, which will allow the CAT to exclusively handle more types of disputes.