Condo Law
REMI Network
ACMO requests status certificate fee increase
Status certificate fees have remained unchanged since 2001.
Enforcing CAT orders through Ontario’s Small Claims Court
The Condominium Authority Tribunal handles disputes related to condo governance, but once a decision is made, enforcement can be challenging.
Legal case puts spotlight on condo security
In a recent case, a condominium found itself at the centre of a significant security challenge posed by a resident.
How can developers protect against defaulting buyers? Mitigation strategies in today’s market
Developers of residential homes have faced significantly increased numbers of purchasers not closing their deals due to the inability to obtain financing.
The intricacies of EV infrastructure remain at odds with condo legislation
The electric vehicle landscape is complex, ever-changing and at the cutting edge of technology. For condominium corporations and their owners, this means that there is no one-size-fits-all solution.
Access to units for common element work
What if access is required through a residential unit to perform common element maintenance or repairs to the building in general?
A look at the CAO’s draft anti-harassment rule
Harassment towards property managers, directors, contractors, and residents remains a significant problem within condominium corporations.
The call for safer condos in Ontario
Conflicts and disputes within Ontario’s condo communities are fueling a conversation around safety reform and adding pressure to make residential buildings better places to live and work.
Bill 91: permission given but details missing
Condo corporations can thank the pandemic for the modernization of how meetings, voting and service of documents occur for communities in Ontario.
Rental demand spotlights tenant relationships
As condos supply the surging demand for rental housing many corporations may be experiencing a rise in tenant-occupied units.
REMI Network
Call for volunteers: mental health and violence in condos
The industry has issued a call for volunteers to help condo communities more effectively manage safety and security concerns.
Legislation escalating condo manager workloads
There are many problems with having property managers act as a condo’s legal representative in a CAT application.
Have you implemented your harassment rules and policies?
Unfortunately, over the last couple of years, we have seen an increasing trend of unacceptable behaviour within condo communities, directed at property managers, directors, other owners/residents and even contractors.
Governing condos in Alberta
Condos are ideally designed to operate with relative simplicity and in a well-managed complex there is a measure of security and community.
Supporting residents struggling with mental illness
Mental illness is more prevalent than it may appear. Studies suggest that almost one in five Ontarians have been affected by a psychiatric disorder.
REMI Network
Avoiding a special assessment nightmare
A condo in Toronto recently made the news after levying a $14-million special assessment. Owners were given 15 days to pay for repairs. How can other corporations avoid this predicament?
Condos at high risk from reserve fund shortfalls
The growing crop of condo owners across Canada will likely encounter huge annual fee increases and lump-sum payments due to low reserve fund contributions, authors of a new research report are warning.