David L. Smith


Facility Cleaning & Maintenance

Cleaning innovations that are here to stay

While using the latest techniques and tools holds the key to a best-in-class facility cleaning program, it’s important to understand how all the elements interact

Facility Cleaning & Maintenance

Out in the cold

Every year, over 40,000 working Canadians are injured due to slip and fall accidents, particularly during the winter months. Ice, accumulated snow, and moisture outside
autonomous equipment

Facility Cleaning & Maintenance

Using autonomous cleaning equipment to attract younger talent

The cleaning industry continues to face high rates of employee turnover and an ongoing labour shortage. In fact, Canada’s cleaning industry saw an almost 145
common spaces

Facility Cleaning & Maintenance

The challenges of cleaning common spaces

As the public returns to a pre-COVID lifestyle, filling up common spaces, more and more hospitality facilities are following suit. Hotels and motels, restaurants, and

Facility Cleaning & Maintenance

How to ensure pandemic levels of prevention remain

In a recent study conducted by the Associated Press and the National Opinion Research Centre, less than half of Americans are still wearing masks. Similar
air purification

Facility Cleaning & Maintenance

The importance of air purification

A sustainable and practical solution to indoor air pollution
proactive cleaning

Facility Cleaning & Maintenance

4 steps for proactive cleaning

The secret to reopening – and staying that way – is a proactive, hands-on approach
long-term care

Facility Cleaning & Maintenance

Cleaning for health and hygiene in long-term care

Tackling the top three challenges facing environmental staff.

Facility Cleaning & Maintenance

One year on: Keeping facilities clean & safe

Key considerations for cleaning commercial workspaces in a post-COVID-19 world.

Facility Cleaning & Maintenance

Setting up school cleaning programs that track results

COVID-19 poses a huge challenge for educational facility managers — here are four steps to verify and validate school cleaning programs.
floor pads

Facility Cleaning & Maintenance

Brushing up on floor pads

Investing in the right floor pads can deliver long-term cost savings, as well as reduce wear and tear on flooring and the labour required.
caring for rubber floors

Facility Cleaning & Maintenance

Helping rubber floors bounce back

Rubber floors require specialized care to keep them looking and performing at their best. In fact, maintenance requirements are often underestimated.