disaster restoration

Ukrainian urbanists incubate post-war recovery

Design Quarterly

Ukrainian urbanists incubate post-war recovery

A network of Ukrainian urban planners and designers is looking ahead to post-war recovery as the country endures an 11th month of destruction, displacement and uncertainty.
flood cleanup

Facility Cleaning & Maintenance

Ensuring safe and effective flood cleanup

Flood cause a host of problems for facility operators and cleanup crews, from foundational damage to mould.
fire-damaged wood

Facility Cleaning & Maintenance

Deodorizing smoke- or fire-damaged wood

It's impossible to remove every smoke particle or fire byproduct, but smoke and fire-damaged wood can be cleaned to a point where any odour is undetectable.


Uninsured property disqualified for Alberta aid

Condo boards and residential landlords in Fort McMurray and surrounding flood-stricken areas will have until August 5 to apply for provincial funding to help cover uninsurable damage.

Canadian Property Management

Preparing for the Storm

Severe flooding in Quebec, New Brunswick and Ontario due to snowmelt and rain has turned a national spotlight on the impact of extreme weather events.

Canadian Property Management

When it rains, it pours

On Aug. 7, 2018, 45 minutes of torrential rain caused extensive flooring within the Greater Toronto Area. With stormwater systems overwhelmed and property damages climbing, FirstOnSite Restoration was soon called to action.

Canadian Property Management

FirstOnSite’s 2018 in Review

2018 was a year of ever-increasing awareness for both companies like FirstOnSite and its clients due to disastrous weather causing emergency clean-up.


Valuing the Human Factor in Disaster Restoration

When it comes to helping clients and communities recover from an emergency, nothing replaces the “human touch” in disaster restoration.