

Canadian Property Management

Building energy management: The AI advantage

There’s a science to building performance. And when it comes to saving energy and providing occupant comfort, the solution lies in recognizing how thermodynamics and weather data can be used by artificial intelligence (AI) for optimal climate control.

Canadian Apartment Magazine

Unlock free building energy with AI

There’s free energy to be harnessed from every building. The trick is taking advantage of thermodynamics through artificial intelligence (AI). It may sound like science

Canadian Property Management

Unlock free building energy with AI

There’s free energy to be harnessed from every building. The trick is taking advantage of thermodynamics through artificial intelligence (AI). 
HVAC energy savings

Canadian Apartment Magazine

Killam turns to AI for HVAC energy savings

Killam’s Quinpool Tower in Halifax recently went live with Ecopilot, an Artificial Intelligence solution for real-time HVAC energy savings.