educational facilities


REMI Network

Ontario announces $1.3 billion for new schools

The investment will create more than 25,000 new student spaces.

REMI Network

Queens U first in Canada in global sustainability rankings

Queen’s University ranked first in Canada and third worldwide out of more than 1,700 participating institutions in the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings.
First Nations

REMI Network

Assembly of First Nations updates school design standards

The Assembly of First Nations and Indigenous Services Canada updated its education infrastructure standards for schools on-reserve.
embodied carbon

REMI Network

Quebec universities unite on biodiversity pledge

Eleven Quebec universities have become founding members of an international movement that includes 117 universities worldwide.

Canadian Facility Management & Design

How flooring can spark student learning

Designers and facility managers seeking to create the ideal educational space for students  face no small undertaking.
campus hygiene

Facility Cleaning & Maintenance

The new age of campus hygiene

Every institution, building, and area within a college or university has unique hygiene needs.

REMI Network

Elementary school bound for new condo in Toronto

Ontario is collaborating with Menkes Developments and the Toronto District School Board on this provincial first and investing $44 million into the project.
interior designers

REMI Network

ARIDO honours interior designers at 2021 awards

The Association of Registered Interior Designers of Ontario (ARIDO) announced the winners of its annual awards program during a virtual ceremony on Wednesday, October 6.

Canadian Facility Management & Design

Campus high-rise brings health to new heights

Dingy is a word that conjures thoughts of old institutional spaces. Academic buildings with dimly-lit hallways and windowless classrooms punctured with fluorescent glare. Rarely are

REMI Network

University of Guelph-Humber campus proposed in Brampton

City staff and the institutions will begin work on identifying required supports and business terms for the potential relocation of the campus as an anchor tenant in the Centre for Innovation.
west kelowna secondary

Facility Cleaning & Maintenance

Safety concerns abound as students head back to school

Assessing health, safety, and infection control risks of going back to school against the value of physical classes is a tricky balance.

REMI Network

Ontario budget prioritizes educational spaces

An investment of $13 billion in capital grants over 10 years was outlined in the Ontario government's budget tabled on Thursday to build and renovate educational facilities.