electronic voting
Fair condo elections at stake as Ontario consults on e-voting regs
In this new frontier of e-voting lies a confluence of ethical factors that should be considered ahead of permanent changes to the Condo Act.
REMI Network
Ontario stretches out deadline for virtual meetings
The Ontario government has further extended the deadline for condo corporations to hold virtual meetings and permit electronic voting without a bylaw.
What’s ahead for virtual meetings in 2021?
Up until May 31, 2021, condominium corporations can hold virtual meetings and use electronic voting, without a bylaw.
REMI Network
Ontario extends deadlines for virtual meetings
The Ontario government has extended the deadline for virtual meetings and electronic voting to continue on without a bylaw.
Electronic voting still met with resistance
Opponents of electronic voting are scared it will expose the archaic and flawed system of proxy voting for what it is: unnecessary and obsolete.