employee engagement


Facility Cleaning & Maintenance

Ensuring front-line workers are safe and engaged

A thriving facility starts with prioritizing staff, cleanliness, and safety. However, overworking employees and relying on them to maintain their own workplace has been shown

Canadian Facility Management & Design

Hospitality program transforms office portfolio

Over the next three months, Canderel will begin rolling out a workplace hospitality program called Okkto across its buildings.

Canadian Facility Management & Design

New research digs into state of the workplace

The social infrastructure of the office underscores new research-driven analysis that measures shifts in employee sentiment post-pandemic.

Facility Cleaning & Maintenance

4 ways to retain employees and boost morale

During this challenging labour market, it’s critical to ensure employees are satisfied with their work environment.
retaining employees

Facility Cleaning & Maintenance

4 tips for retaining employees and boosting morale

It's more critical than ever for businesses to provide a clean, enjoyable, and supportive work environment.

Facility Cleaning & Maintenance

Cultivating a culture of care in the cleaning industry

How to balance increased demand with a nationwide labour shortage.
remote working

REMI Network

Remote working a growing perk in Canadian offices

Less than half of companies in Canada provide work-from-anywhere options for their employees, according to a new survey .
casual workers

REMI Network

Study finds how employers can retain casual workers

Employers who help casual workers find meaning on the job may have an easier time retaining them, according to a new University of Waterloo study.

REMI Network

25 York is Canada’s first Fitwel-certified building

The first office building in Canada to receive Fitwel certification is Menkes' 25 York Street.

Canadian Property Management

Colliers International moves into brand new HQ

Colliers International just moved more than 220 employees into its sprawling new headquarters in downtown Toronto.

Canadian Property Management

Report identifies top human resource challenges

The real estate industry figured highly into a national human resource study that helps organizations better understand human capital.