Facilities Management

facilities management

Canadian Property Management

B&M celebrates 10 years of Facilities Management at CMHR

Black & McDonald’s facilities management team has been instrumental to operations at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights since it opened ten years ago.

REMI Network

Ontario universities get funds for decarbonization projects

Western University, McMaster University and York University are receiving $9 million in federal funding to tackle carbon emissions across their campuses.

Facility Cleaning & Maintenance

Six trends to impact retail multi-site FM industry

Connex, the authority on retailers, multi-site healthcare facilities, entertainment facilities, banks and suppliers provides a breakdown of the meta-trends impacting retail facilities management.

Canadian Facility Management & Design

SNC-Lavalin named FM for Saskatchewan hospital

SNC-Lavalin has been selected as the facility manager for the Saskatchewan Hospital North Battleford (SHNB), a provincial psychiatric facility.

REMI Network

Five trends to impact retail facilities management in 2019

The top trends driving the facilities management industry identified in the PRSM 2019 Trends Report include the growth of mixed-use retail, batteries in energy management, the increased number of restaurants and medical services in retail spaces, and blockchain technology.

Canadian Facility Management & Design

IFMA celebrates publication of newest FM standard

IFMA is celebrating the publication of a new management systems standard for the industry: “ISO 41001, Facility Management – Management Systems – Requirements with guidance for use.”

Canadian Facility Management & Design

ISO publishes two new FM industry standards

The International Facility Management Association is celebrating the publication of two new ISO industry standards for the facilities management industry.

REMI Network

Serco awarded facility services contract at RCAF base

Serco was awarded a $115 facility services contract to continue performing non-military operation and maintenance functions at a RCAF base.

Facility Cleaning & Maintenance

How custodians can prep before students return

August is especially busy for custodians who have to begin preparing healthy and clean school before students return.

REMI Network

Changes loom for Toronto city cleaning services

The City of Toronto overspent on cleaning services last year, according to two audits released in mid-June that examine both in-house and contract services.

Canadian Facility Management & Design

Temco Service Industries acquired by Atalian

Temco Service Industries, Inc. has announced its acquisition by Atalian International, an international provider of facility services, on Jan. 8, 2016. In the merger, the

Canadian Facility Management & Design

Facility management’s role in design

It’s only in the post-construction phase that facility management professionals are brought on board to minimize the operational and maintenance costs that will determine the building’s performance over its life span. The reality ...


The importance of networking

Networking is a way for property and facility managers to interface and surround themselves with resources that, at some point, will solve a problem, find resources or provide advice about an issue.

Canadian Property Management

Barriers abound in existing built environment

Voluntary action will continue to be the predominant dismantler of barriers in Ontario’s built environment and landscapes ...

Canadian Apartment Magazine

Clean smarter with microfibre mopheads

While often more expensive than traditional cleaning cloths and mopheads, microfibre products tend to be more absorbent, use significantly less chemicals and water, and clean surfaces more effectively.

Canadian Facility Management & Design

The ins and outs of outsourcing

While there are still quite a few organizations that prefer out-tasking to outsourcing, the number of organizations that now outsource has skyrocketed and the provision of these services has become intensely competitive.


Understanding carpet warranties

Over the years, carpet warranties have changed considerably, limiting their liability. In some cases, the manufacturer will: specify what type of cleaning is appropriate to maintain the warranty; require cleaning receipts to indicate when and ...