Fire Safety
Canadian Apartment Magazine
More Christmas tree fires likely to occur in January
A recent Christmas tree fire in a Toronto apartment has put the spotlight on holiday-related fire hazards and the need to educate tenants about fire safety.
Canadian Facility Management & Design
Ontario’s sprinkler deadline up for discussion
Some of Ontario’s long-term care home operators could be getting an 18-month extension on a looming deadline to install automatic sprinklers for fire suppression
REMI Network
Fire safety experts warn of B.C. building code change
Fire safety advocates are concerned about a dangerous amendment that allows for a single exit stairway in multi-residential buildings.
Canadian Property Management
Multiple failings uncovered in fatal fire probe
Beyond the UK, the report offers lessons for onlookers everywhere about slipshod diligence, inappropriately trained safety administrators and the possible risks of commercial pressures in certification processes.
Facility Cleaning & Maintenance
Incorporating fire protection into your maintenance program
As a maintenance manager, fire protection is a critical part of your preventative maintenance plan to stay compliant, protect your building, and keep your staff
Residents figure into fire safety knowledge gap
The province also saw the total number of fatal fires rise to 109. Within many condos, there is a critical gap between fire safety and resident knowledge.
REMI Network
IFMA partners with National Fire Protection Association
IFMA is partnering with the National Fire Protection Association to offer its members training and resources that enhance the safety and performance of facilities and facility professionals globally.
Canadian Apartment Magazine
Navigating the Fire Code
Having a detailed Fire Safety Plan helps ensure the effective use of equipment, fire safety systems, and procedures to protect occupants should hazard strike.
Facility Cleaning & Maintenance
Focus on fire safety for your building
Fire safety is a critical part of your maintenance plan. Along with threatening the safety of your staff and visitors, the risk of fire creates
Canadian Property Management
Lax fire safety oversight flagged in NS audit
Nova Scotia's Auditor General raises a long list of concerns about the Office of the Fire Marshal 12 years after a previous Auditor General presented similar findings.
REMI Network
Bylaw for high-rise radio communication proposed in Kamloops
A new report presented to City Council last week states an increase in high-rise structures is hampering radio communication among emergency responders.
Canadian Facility Management & Design
Fire safety researchers examine energy storage
Facilities managers worldwide are invited to share some basic details about the specifications and configurations of their battery energy storage systems.
REMI Network
Ensuring smoke control systems are working correctly
The first and most critical step is for corporations to determine whether they have a smoke control system maintenance and testing procedure document in place.
Canadian Property Management
Remember your smoke management system
Smoke can impede a person’s ability to breathe, but it may also contain toxic particles or vapours that affix themselves to the lungs and wreak havoc from within. It’s for these reasons that property managers must make the health and efficiency of their smoke management systems an ongoing priority.
Canadian Facility Management & Design
Fire safety systems: Have you checked your water?
The worst time to discover your fire safety system lacks adequate water supply is when an emergency strikes. And yet, it’s not uncommon for negative impacts to a building’s water sources to go unnoticed by property management teams until that system is needed most.
Multifamily fire risk factors evolve over time
The combination of improved suppression and ignition source depletion has reduced the risk of fire-related fatalities within residential high-rises, and all dwellings in general, since 1980.
Canadian Facility Management & Design
Digitizing fire protection for facility inspections
With fire equipment, the biggest culprit for non-compliance issues usually involves obstructions blocking fire extinguishers and hoses from view.