

Canadian Apartment Magazine

A pathway to future homeownership

At a time when owning real estate is out of reach for many, the Daniels Corp offers tenants a unique way to save for homeownership as they rent.
student debt

REMI Network

Student debt quashing home buying dreams in Ontario

OREA has proposed several recommendations to help address the housing affordability crisis that young graduates are facing.

Canadian Apartment Magazine

More Canadians expect to rent forever

According to a new survey from more Canadians are giving up on the dream of homeownership and expect to rent forever.


4 in 10 Ontario parents helped buy child’s first home

According to a new poll from OREA, 4 in 10 Ontario parents helped their adult child purchase their first residential property.

REMI Network

Canadians see dismal future for homeownership

Beyond the hot housing market, 36 per cent of the under-40 crowd are abandoning their dreams of ever owning a home.