James Davidson



Are AGM recordings records of the corporation?

If video recordings for virtual and hybrid meetings are considered to be records of the corporation, many negative and serious consequences can result.


The call for safer condos in Ontario

Conflicts and disputes within Ontario’s condo communities are fueling a conversation around safety reform and adding pressure to make residential buildings better places to live and work.
Builders’ Lien Act


Potential cost of CMRAO’s discipline process

In a recent case, two condominium corporations complained to the CMRAO about a manager’s failure to turn over records following termination of the management contract.
COVID-19 restrictions


Should condos consider pandemic rules?

As areas of Ontario have reopened in the midst of an ongoing outbreak, condos may be asking if a specific set of rules is helpful.
harassment protections


What about protections for managers and directors?

It’s not easy being a condo director or manager, as they are on the “front lines,” dealing with difficult owners and occupants.


Can patients grow pot in their condo units?

A recent court decision may have opened the door to medical marijuana patients to grow a limited number of a marijuana plants in their condominium units.


Regs likely to have minor impact on purchases

The province of Ontario is planning to regulate home inspections. But what, if anything, would this mean for condominium purchases?


Balancing condo law requirements

Condominium corporations are in a tricky situation when balancing condo law requirements during settlements and lawsuits.


Safeguarding a non-profit condo’s status

A non-profit condo corporation could lose its status if it generates income from activities that are not incidental to its overall non-profit activities.