

Facility Cleaning & Maintenance

Prepare for winter with your fall maintenance checklist

We’re still enjoying summer, but fall is around the corner, and that means being prepared for the winter weather that’s coming. Maintenance managers know that
lawn care

Canadian Apartment Magazine

Maintaining a healthy lawn through fall

Wanda Wolf of Landcare shares some healthy strategies for maintaining a beautifully landscaped lawn without the overuse of water and chemicals.
Vancouver to gain more authority over landscaping

Design Quarterly

Vancouver to gain more authority over landscaping

Proposed amendments to Vancouver’s charter would allow Council to set conditions for landscaping new development and hand off dog licence revocation to City staff.
winter storms

Facility Cleaning & Maintenance

Preparing your facility for winter storms

Storms happen in all seasons, of course, but winter storms bring their own unique challenges to your building maintenance. Gusty winds, ice and snow, and

Facility Cleaning & Maintenance

Is your facility ready for winter?

Winter brings its own unique challenges to facilities, and preparing for those conditions ahead of the cold weather can save you time, money, and headaches.

Facility Cleaning & Maintenance

Storing your summer maintenance equipment

When the summer season officially comes to an end, cleaning, repairing, and storing your outdoor equipment effectively should be part of your fall maintenance strategy.
fall maintenance

Facility Cleaning & Maintenance

Your fall maintenance checklist

As the kids get ready to go back to school, we look (not too far) ahead to fall’s arrival. With the cooler temperatures and winter
condo terrace


Designing a successful private condo terrace

The first step is to have a landscape architect draft up a preliminary plan for the terrace or balcony renovation.
park West Vancouver

Design Quarterly

Minoru Lakes Park renewal complete

The Minoru Lakes Park in Richmond’s city centre has officially reopened, following a major renewal.
lawn care

Facility Cleaning & Maintenance

Adding lawn care to your outdoor maintenance plan

Typically, lawn care officially starts in Canada when we’re sure that there’s no more snow coming, so while that may not always happen in April,
curb appeal

Facility Cleaning & Maintenance

Why curb appeal matters (and how to create it)

Does your building have curb appeal? According to the experts, first impressions are made within the first seven seconds, so you don’t have much time

Facility Cleaning & Maintenance

How to go green with your landscaping

If you want to take a greener approach to your facility’s landscaping, now is a great time to plan ahead, optimize your asset management, and

Facility Cleaning & Maintenance

How to prepare your landscaping for winter

Do you have landscaping you need to protect over the winter months? With the wind, snow accumulation, and dry, icy temperatures, winter can take its
condo hotel


Landscaping a new condo hotel in Vaughan

While designing the condo hotel grounds, the approach was to reduce high maintenance turf areas with trees, shrubs and perennials that will maintain their beauty against snow, salt and wind.

REMI Network

Can outdoor pests be sustainably managed?

How can condo corporations avoid choices that will apply pest pressures to their properties when it comes to landscaping?
curb appeal


Condo landscaping tips for curb appeal

Careful planning and high and low-design cost options will quickly transform any curb-appeal project into improved real estate value.
native trees

REMI Network

Planting native trees cools communities over time

Planting native trees, shrubs, flowers and grasses can cool the summer daytime temperature of an area by more than 4 C in a decade.