Ontario’s outdated property assessments are an added hitch for retail landlords now contemplating vacant anchor spaces in dozens of regional shopping centres throughout the province.
A package of revenue-generating measures in Quebec's 2025-26 budget includes tax increases, added fees, altered tax credit criteria and elimination of some deductions.
Facility management professionals are preparing action plans in light of potential tariff impacts and sharing how the situation is creating unity within the sector.
Facility management professionals are preparing action plans in light of potential tariff impacts and sharing how the situation is creating unity within the sector.
Cancellation of the consumer carbon price comes with the Canadian government’s affirmation that other incentives for reducing GHG emissions from buildings will remain in place.
Facility management professionals are preparing action plans in light of potential tariff impacts and sharing how the situation is creating unity within the sector.
A package of revenue-generating measures in Quebec's 2025-26 budget includes tax increases, added fees, altered tax credit criteria and elimination of some deductions.
A team of toxicologists at the University of Saskatchewan have discovered that chemicals used in smartphone and computer displays are potentially toxic.