Marc Bhalla



There’s no eye for an eye in team

Making decisions as a team and standing together as a team is a key component to success.


Preventing conflicts from escalating in condos

There are strategies that can be helpful to consider in recognition of the fact that reactive approaches to conflict can be quite costly for condo boards.
Condo technology


Condo mediation 2.0: Upgrading the process

Participating in a condo mediation can often mean taking time off work or giving up an evening. And truly, the most challenging aspect of mediation


When board directors have ‘skin in the game’

What happens when a prospective director has not only professional experience to offer, but professional experience in the condo industry?


The pros and cons of community-building efforts

An industry expert weighs the pros and cons of community-building efforts in condominium corporations.


Having uncomfortable conversations in condos

Directors, property managers and residents often hesitate when they first face the potential of having a hard conversation. How mediation concepts can help.


Shared facilities agreements increasingly complex

As developments become increasingly complicated, so do the relationships between condo corporations and other parties bound by common interests.


A new path for resolving condominium disputes

The idea of creating a tribunal to help address condominium disputes in Ontario, as envisioned in Bill 106, has been intriguing to many in the industry.


How a condo board divided can remain united

A common goal can help foster a healthy space for debating the merits of various options — even if a condo board decision is ultimately made by a 3-2 vote.


Containing condominium disputes

Property managers often find themselves sandwiched in conflict involving members of the condominium communities they manage. While few wish to exacerbate such conflict or take