Meirav Even-Har
Canadian Apartment Magazine
The health of your building matters
A new report from CfAD, in collaboration with QuadReal Property Group, points to the positive ways healthy building strategies can drive value in real estate.
Canadian Property Management
Accessibility carries a simple business case
Many commercial real estate operators are making the simple business case for buildings that are functional for all potential users. It’s a quest that can begin with simple investigations, simple low-cost measures and simple mindfulness.
Building Strategies & Sustainability
Don’t let a recycling program go to waste
The Recycling Council of Ontario's Meirav Even-Har and Jessica Wilkinson explain how property managers can work with building occupants and staff to ensure best recycling practices, and why management should care whether their recycling program is a success.
Canadian Property Management
Ontario and Israel cooperate on water technology
Ontario’s burgeoning water technology industry is in step with efforts in other countries to build international ties and learn from innovative efforts in areas where freshwater is a scarce commodity.