Michelle Ervin

Canadian Facility Management & Design

Inside LoyaltyOne’s move to new Toronto HQ

The recent relocation of LoyaltyOne’s Toronto-based head office was a move to end all moves.


Confronting workplace harassment in condos

At least one industry executive thinks more needs to be done to address the harassment he says condo managers commonly confront while working in condo communities.

Canadian Facility Management & Design

Building capacity for care in Medicine Hat

A 245,000-square-foot expansion will help ensure the residents served by Medicine Hat Regional Hospital can access treatment close to home.
prompt payment


Fate of outstanding condo law reforms unknown

The fate of some of the recent changes Ontario’s condo laws remains unknown after the change in provincial government three months ago.


Takeaways from #TorontoFlood

At least one condo corporation is facing what is likely to be a steep repair tab after Toronto was drenched with a month’s worth of rain on Aug. 7.


Post-occupancy hitches prompt office hours

The frustrations of going through post-occupancy growing pains prompted one condo board to start hosting office hours for owners.

Canadian Facility Management & Design

Bank of Canada HQ gets energy-saving revamp

An invisible second skin was a core component of the energy-saving, heritage-sensitive intervention at the Bank of Canada complex.


First decisions issued in condo records disputes

The Ontario Condominium Authority Tribunal's first five decisions in records-related condo disputes include a case dismissal and a penalty.

Canadian Facility Management & Design

Mississauga tests the waters with solar panels

The City of Mississauga is testing the waters with solar panels as a supplemental heat source for its busiest — and highest utility-consuming — outdoor pool this summer.


Digging into development under Premier Ford

How might Ontario’s development landscape shift as the PCs take over the provincial policy levers from a 15-year-old Liberal government?


Lounge furniture targeted as multi-res fire risk

Some condo lobbies may be looking spare lately because the lounge furniture that usually occupies these spaces is being targeted as a fire risk.

Canadian Facility Management & Design

Launch of WELL v2 follows arrival of Fitwel

As more and more organizations look to whip their corporate interiors into shape, they have at least two certifications paths to choose from.


Is condo living just a phase for GTHA millennials?

Condo living may just be a phase for millennials in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area, new research out of Ryerson University suggests.

Canadian Facility Management & Design

Passive House poised for institutional uptake

Passive House, a voluntary standard for achieving extremely energy-efficient buildings, appears to be poised for wider uptake in institutional projects.


A blind spot in new EV charging station rules?

The new rules that will steer the installation of electric vehicle charging stations at Ontario condo properties starting next week may have a blind spot.

Canadian Facility Management & Design

Hard quotas unlikely in gender parity push

Hard quotas appear to be an unlikely tool in the growing push to promote gender parity in the real estate industry.
tax credits


Will ‘ultra-high-rises’ cost more to maintain?

The new crop of 'ultra-high-rise' condos rising in Toronto will be more complicated and consequently more costly to maintain, one engineer is warning.