REMI Network
Housing sizes shift across Ontario
There’s a shift toward smaller condos and larger single-detached houses across the province, according to new data from the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation.
REMI Network
GTHA condos under $500,000 increasingly scarce
The average condo in the GTHA now stands at $645,000, a stark difference from 2013.
Canadian Apartment Magazine
Ontario residential building permits jumped 15% in 2021
For the second year in a row, Ontario saw a significant increase in residential building permits according to the latest data from MPAC.
Canadian Property Management
Municipalities could lose clout on MPAC board
A new government means a new round of scrutiny for Ontario's property assessment agency.
Canadian Facility Management & Design
Ontario cues agenda for industrial properties
The action is included in a list of initiatives associated with Bill 66, the proposed Restoring Ontario's Competitiveness Act, even though none of the bill's dozens of legislative amendments pertain to the Assessment Act.
Canadian Property Management
Ontario revises property assessment schedule
The launch of a new four-year cycle in 2017 spurred a wave of assessment appeals as property owners reacted to often dramatic increases in value over the previous assessment.
Canadian Apartment Magazine
Furor over MPAC multi-res cap rates predicted
Assessment notices for nearly 16,000 Ontario multi-residential properties will be mailed out next week, delivering valuations determined for the first time with the newly adopted direct capitalization methodology.
Ontario’s new four-year assessment cycle begins
Ontario's Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) reports province-wide residential property values have increased by an average of 4.5 per since January 2012.