


Anticipating the needs of aging condo communities

New updates to the OBC, which come into effect January 1, 2025, do little to address accessibility. How can existing condos prioritize inclusion when planning for renovations?
building code

REMI Network

Fire safety experts warn of B.C. building code change

Fire safety advocates are concerned about a dangerous amendment that allows for a single exit stairway in multi-residential buildings.
MJW Team fleet vehicle on site

Canadian Property Management

Maintaining Garbage Rooms in Multi-Residential Buildings

Waste disposal systems in multi-residential buildings are under a great amount of pressure. Every day, residents pack their garbage down the interconnecting metal chutes which

REMI Network

TOD plans for Ottawa multi-res building

Colonnade BridgePort submitted an official plan amendment and zoning by-law amendment with the City of Ottawa to increase density at 2000 City Park Drive.
federal budget

REMI Network

New reg imposes financial penalties on Ontario homebuilders

A new regulation may impose administrative penalties on Ontario homebuilders or vendors who breach their legal and ethical obligations.

REMI Network

Mattamy Homes breaks ground on three GTA projects

Mattamy's GTA Urban Division is setting out to expand company's multi-family, mid- and high-rise offering in the GTA.

Canadian Apartment Magazine

Equiton closes 2022 with Toronto multi-res acquisition

Equiton Residential Income Fund Trust announced it ended a busy year with the acquisition of a Toronto multi-residential property for $50 million. 

REMI Network

Ensuring smoke control systems are working correctly

The first and most critical step is for corporations to determine whether they have a smoke control system maintenance and testing procedure document in place.

REMI Network

Radon levels outpace national estimates

Radon levels consistently eclipse provincial and national estimates, according to new findings from a Canada-wide citizen science initiative conducted over the past three years.
mental health

REMI Network

Study reveals impact of window conditions on mental health, sleep

A new study exploring residents living in apartment complexes finds that access to daylight improves circadian alignment, sleep and mental health.
HIVE Intercom

Canadian Apartment Magazine

Tapping in to Next-Gen Intercoms

It takes more than a static directory and buzzer to manage front door activity. That’s why many multi-residential managers and residents are seeking smarter and more secure ways of controlling building access.


Multi-res tackles zero waste during COVID

A growing number of multi-res high rises across Toronto have continued to reduce waste during the pandemic.


Six women shaping Canada’s residential spaces

Women developers, architects and interior designers are helping to manifest just a few of the country’s most dynamic condos and communities.
zero waste

REMI Network

Micro-grants available for zero waste champions

The Toronto Environmental Alliance (TEA) is offering new resources and micro-grants of $500 for buildings that take action through its Zero Waste High-Rise Project by February 28.


Why benchmarking small buildings still matters

While building codes and standards help regulate efficiency in new buildings, existing buildings have been operating with little oversight and, in fact, no insight at all into how energy and water was being used in our cities.

Canadian Apartment Magazine

Multi-res sector remained resilient in Q2 2020

New research from Morguard indicates Canada’s multi-residential sector remained resilient during Q2 2020, as did the industrial sector.

Canadian Apartment Magazine

Vancouver amends zoning and development bylaw

Amendments to the zoning and development bylaw for C-2 commercial districts in Vancouver will soon allow developers to build six-storey rental housing.