Nancy Houle
Are AGM recordings records of the corporation?
If video recordings for virtual and hybrid meetings are considered to be records of the corporation, many negative and serious consequences can result.
The call for safer condos in Ontario
Conflicts and disputes within Ontario’s condo communities are fueling a conversation around safety reform and adding pressure to make residential buildings better places to live and work.
Potential cost of CMRAO’s discipline process
In a recent case, two condominium corporations complained to the CMRAO about a manager’s failure to turn over records following termination of the management contract.
REMI Network
Case shakes perceived permanency of grandparented smoking
One source of contention can arise between non-smokers and owners exempt from following no smoking rules, particularly if smoke travels where it’s not invited.
Should condos consider pandemic rules?
As areas of Ontario have reopened in the midst of an ongoing outbreak, condos may be asking if a specific set of rules is helpful.
Ten practical tips for virtual meetings and e-voting
CCI recently held its first national webinar addressing pandemic-related industry concerns. Once topic of discussion was virtual meetings and e-voting.
COVID-19 and Condos
As the number of cases of COVID-19 increase across the country, Nancy Houle from Davidson Houle Allen discusses what this means for the condo industry.
Condos look for energy reporting loopholes
Some condo boards in Ontario are looking for loopholes to a coming energy reporting requirement, but there are none for large buildings captured by the regulation.
Co-existing in mixed-use condominiums
Mixed-use condominiums, which include both a commercial and a residential component, provide commercial owners with potential on-site clientele and condominium owners with the convenience of having
When courts force condo owners to sell
Canada's courts are being called upon to find the balance between the rights of condo owners versus the rights of the greater community.