Natalia Moudrak

FireSmart measures emphasis no-cost/low-cost maintenance and upgrades

Facility Cleaning & Maintenance

FireSmart measures begin with maintenance

About 11 million people currently reside in Canada's wildland-urban interface areas, enjoying the benefits of proximity to forests and other natural features, but perhaps overlooking the perils.


Are condos prepared for climate change?

While many condos haven’t yet experienced the major effects of climate change, statistics and case studies foreshadow the impacts that could come.
Fort McMurray flood water spills into downtown core

Canadian Property Management

Fort McMurray flood swamps 1,230 buildings

Approximately 13,000 evacuees have been instructed to abide by COVID-19 social distancing requirements.

Canadian Property Management

Flood response to rely more on independent action

COVID-19 health protocol is sure to complicate flood response and cleanup in commercial and multi-residential buildings in the coming months, particularly if evacuation is required.
climate change procrastinators

Canadian Property Management

Climate change procrastinators urged to act

The mounting consequences of being stuck fast in the wrong place for an extended wrong time begin with soaring insurance premiums and end with stranded assets.