New water use initiatives afloat in summer 2024

Canadian Property Management

New water use initiatives afloat in summer 2024

New water use initiatives from the Canadian government and the Open Standards Consortium for Real Estate (OSCRE) have been unveiled for public input over the course of summer 2024.
Energy data refines ESG performance metrics

Canadian Property Management

Energy data refines ESG performance metrics

Energy efficiency will gain standing in the 2025 GRESB assessment when the global benchmark for ESG performance of commercial real estate portfolios introduces revised scoring for its energy performance metric.
OSCRE sets principles for AI in data management

Canadian Property Management

OSCRE sets principles for AI in data management

The Open Standards Consortium for Real Estate underscores AI's potential to advance data management capabilities, provided it is grounded in an ethical, standardized, industry-approved approach.
Pending climate-related disclosure rules highlight data requirements

Canadian Property Management

A transparent need for data strategies

Based on self-reporting, many of the commercial real estate firms subject to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s pending climate-related disclosure rules are grappling with how they will comply.