Women welcomed on boards, rebuffed in C-suties

Canadian Property Management

Women welcomed on boards, less so in C-suites

New analysis from Morningstar DBRS charts the changing gender split of senior leadership at 11 TSX-listed real estate entities between 2010 and 2022.
REITs unexpectedly tapped for new tax measure

Canadian Property Management

REITs unexpectedly tapped for new tax measure

Advocates for the Canadian commercial real estate industry are asking the federal finance department to clarify why real estate investment trusts have been included in a pending new tax measure.
Real estate gender splits outdo TSX benchmark

Canadian Property Management

Real estate gender splits outdo TSX benchmark

Women are somewhat more conspicuous in commercial real estate’s executive suites and boardrooms than is the average for Canadian companies that disclose such information to regulators and unit/shareholders.

REMI Network

Study: Small businesses face extreme uncertainty

Small businesses across Canada are feeling the financial crunch from coronavirus restrictions that have millions of people staying at home.

Canadian Apartment Magazine

REITs boast 2019 gains on TSX Venture Exchange

Venture 50 accolades are awarded based on three equally weighted criteria for one-year gains in share price, trading volume and market capitalization.

Canadian Property Management

Canadian REITs mark 25 years on the TSX

Since the first two listings in 1993, investors can now look to 44 REITs with a collective market capitalization of $62 billion.

Canadian Property Management

The perils of ignoring succession planning

REITs and PERE managers face a unique challenge in developing succession planning strategies that identify the next generation of leaders.

Canadian Property Management

Real estate status upgrade heralds new investors

The reclassification from an industry group within the financials sector formally occurs on September 1, and will also introduce a new term for real estate investment trusts (REITs), which will become known as Equity REITs.

REMI Network

Survey results: REITs embrace sustainability

More than 50 per cent of accredited property managers responding to a recent Institute of Real Estate Management (IREM) job analysis survey consider sustainable practices of moderate, low or no importance.