Sonja Hodis



Anticipating the needs of aging condo communities

New updates to the OBC, which come into effect January 1, 2025, do little to address accessibility. How can existing condos prioritize inclusion when planning for renovations?
security cameras


Q&A: Security cameras and condos

An increasing use of security cameras in and around condo communities has come with more questions and issues condo boards, property managers and condo lawyers are forced to deal with.
Bill 91


Bill 91: permission given but details missing

Condo corporations can thank the pandemic for the modernization of how meetings, voting and service of documents occur for communities in Ontario.
status certificate


Enforcing the governing documents

How can a property manager or board member understand what steps to take when enforcing the governing documents?


When owners open a home-based business

From ensuite take-out resto to teaching downward facing dog in the common areas, here’s the lowdown on this trendier work-from-home shift, with some legal and insurance tips.


Have you implemented your harassment rules and policies?

Unfortunately, over the last couple of years, we have seen an increasing trend of unacceptable behaviour within condo communities, directed at property managers, directors, other owners/residents and even contractors.
maintenance and repair


Cases shed light on maintenance and repair obligations in condos

Maintenance and repair obligations of both owners and condo corporations are defined in the Condominium Act, which sets out the minimum default obligations. T


CAT evolves in jurisdiction but not costs

Although we are seeing the types of cases a court normally hears being transferred to the CAT, we are not seeing the principles regarding costs the court has adopted being transferred and implemented as well.


Cases spotlight cost of poor communication

In some condos, communication channels break down or don’t exist, causing unnecessary expenditures that corporations and owners must incur.


Chargebacks and lessons learned in 2020

Condominiums need to be careful when they decide to chargeback costs to an owner and must ensure they have the legal right to do so before they start lien proceedings.

REMI Network

Why have a standard unit bylaw?

Those who have not passed a standard unit bylaw are placing a heavy burden on the corporation’s insurance to repair an insurable loss.


Handling common expense fees during COVID-19

Over the course of the last few weeks, many condo corporations have been asking whether they can defer owners’ common expense fee (CEF) payments or


Navigating a new process for requesting records

As of Nov. 1, 2017, there is a new process under the Condominium Act, as amended, for making and responding to records requests in condo corporations.


When it’s okay to play pet detective in condos

The instances of condo residents improperly using “medical reasons” to escape the enforcement of pet restrictions found in condo declarations or rules is on the rise.


Making changes to common elements

When a condo corporation wants to change a common element or asset, the board may have to follow certain steps in the Condo Act before starting the work.