• REMI Network
  • University of Calgary’s School of Architecture

University of Calgary’s School of Architecture


Design Quarterly

New UCalgary bachelor design degree is a first

UCalgary's Bachelor of Design in City Innovation, which will launch in the fall of 2023, is the first of its kind in Western Canada.
Green LRT phase 1

Design Quarterly

Calgary downtown initiative receives funding

Calgary is investing $350,000 in the University of Calgary’s Civic Commons Catalyst program to support downtown revitalization.

Design Quarterly

SAPL launches second design ideas competition

The School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape (SAPL) at the University of Calgary has launched its second design ideas competition.

Design Quarterly

9 Block Project by students creates vibrant change

The 9 Block project is a series of safety initiatives to improve vibrancy and safety in the nine blocks around City Hall.